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Class Resources and Handouts

DP Documentation. Students will set-up page for 11th grade biology/environmental science. Write description of how their developing as scientist. Document your process of creating TPW Biology Final products in detail and post on your digital portfolio. See attached handout for organization and prompts. To be completed during POL week. DUE FRIDAY 12/16

TPW Biology Reflection. Students will reflect on their creative thinking process, scientific thinking process and ability to manage project work time. Save your reflection as [Last Name, FNI]_TPW Biology Reflection and save it in your Biology Folder in Google drive. Use Junior DP handout prompts to guide your reflection. To be completed during POL week. DUE FRIDAY 12/16

TPW Artwork Label. Students will create a label for their artwork. Students will use the attached graphic organizer to write their own label. Included in this handout are questions and sentence starters to help you brainstorm your art description. On page 2 there is a template of label, students will this to create their final product.

TPW Studio Time Management Handouts. Students are to manage their studio time to complete their final product. These handouts are to be completed prior to starting studio time to REFLECT on what they've completed prior to class time, COMMIT to complete specific part of process and write NEXT STEPS needed outside of the classroom to meet project deadlines.

TPW Mind Map Biological Root of Power. Students will research the biological system they've identified as being connected to where their power comes from. The goal is to identify the biological root of their power by researching the organ system. Most importantly students will use this mind map to talk about where in their body their power comes and how to maintain their power through a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

4th Draft Student-led Rubric. Students develop a rubric based on last year's models. Students will use this rubric to show how they have developed their best work by using the Elements of Art, Biological Root and Personal Narrative. Before starting painting process they will use this rubric to have a conversation with peers and get feedback to finalize drawings. 

3rd Draft Drawing & Peer Critique Forms. Students develop their idea further to reflect elements of their personal narrative and biological root of their power. 3rd draft must go through the peer critique process to develop their idea for final product - painting showing the biological root of their power.

2nd Draft Drawing & Peer Critique Forms. Students develop their idea further to reflect elements of their personal narrative and biological root of their power. 2nd draft must go through the peer critique process to develop their idea for final product - painting showing the biological root of their power.

Shitty First Draft Drawing & Peer Critique Forms. Students have 4 options to begin visualizing where their power comes from. Students are to try one of the options and bring it to class for peer critique to develop their idea for final product - painting showing the biological root of their power.

Art Lesson #1. When did Mrs. Nuvia become an artist? Aside from sharing when I became an artist, this powerpoint has the first art lesson. Students are to experiment with acrylic paint.  Students are make observations of how and what acrylic paint does when applied to canvas.

Pecha Kucha 10/11. What does your power look like? Pecha Kucha is a tool to begin looking for visual sources for The Power Within project. Throughout this project you will need to collect many visual sources for different purposes. We want to encourage you to follow your gut feeling in finding images that help you tell your story. The following slides can guide you in finding images quickly.

Poster of Learning - Alstroemerias. Student are combining their skills as scientist and artists to answer questions about flowers, alstroemerias. Students use tools, dissection tool kits and microscopes, to look deeper into their hypothesis. Link below to slides used to guide students posters and presentations.

Elements of Art.  Powerpoint was used in class to introduce the Elements of Art. We discussed the connection between the skills of observation of a scientist and artist. 

Friday 9/30 Organization.  Powerpoint was used in class on 9/30/16 for students complete and exhibit their poster of learning. Also, help students organize their class binder, google drive and observation journal.

Poster of Learning - Bonobos.  In groups of 4 students discuss and analyzed their behavioral observations of bonobos. Together they designed a poster to help the share their learning with the whole class. Thinking like a scientist! Link to slides used to guide students posters and presentations.

Habitat vs. Niche.  Powerpoint was used in class on 9/21/16 to introduce concept of transfer of energy and trophic levels.

Watersheds.  Powerpoint was used in class on 9/19/16 to supplement learning from beach clean-up previous Saturday at Borderfield State Park.

Abstracted Observation. In this mini-project students will develop their scientific skills, specifically observational skills and scientific process. Each student will create a pastel piece of artwork showing HTHCV through their eyes. Below is the link to the powerpoint.

Need volunteer & college-prep resources? To avoid jamming your email with volunteer and college-prep opportunities, below is the link to a list of opportunities. Check it often so you don't miss out!

Team Maxfield-Ruland 2016-17 Syllabus.  Read syllabus with your parents, have your parents complete the Family Survey and sign. Return to teachers by Friday 9/9/16

Biology Honors Contract Fall 2016.  Complete a detailed typical week (include sleep, meal, social and travel times), share with your parents and sign. Return to teachers by Friday 9/16/16

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